We rely on the generosity of others to help us continue our vital work.
The Trust is run entirely by volunteers which maximises the benefit of any donations received. The children’s holidays are free of charge for all children and their helpers.

Our work is kindly supported by the families and parents of St. John’s Beaumont and their parents’ committee, Friends of St. John’s.
The Committee runs fundraising activities throughout the academic year including a ball, Christmas events, quiz nights, school discos, cake sales and a sponsored walk. In addition, we are supported by donations and grants on behalf of individual donors and charities.
We gratefully receive contributions and donations no matter how large or small.
This can be done using the donate now feature on our website, through the Giving Machine or one off donations and standing orders.
If you or your company would like to make a donation, or if you would like to find out more, please use the contact us email. Enquiries can also be addressed to the Friends of St. John’s at the school office of St. John’s Beaumont.

If you would like to make a regular donation to the charity...
Please download the following standing order and gift aid forms. Please post the completed form to our treasurer Anne-Catherine Buxton (full address on the form). This method ensures 100% of your money goes directly to the charity (rather than using a method like PayPal).
This scheme is one of the easiest, cheapest and most sustainable ways for UK charities and schools to raise funds regularly. The best part is it is absolutely free for both donators and beneficiaries. Please help support SJHCT by signing up – it is free and and simple to use as well as being a great idea to help charities just like ours raise much needed funds.